Friday, November 9

What Wonders Do I See

Well, I've made it clear on numerous occasions that I get really bored at work. And at home. And at school.

Ok, fine I get bored pretty much anywhere that I breathe at.

So, with that in mind, I surf the internet a lot. One of the little distractions I've found is Machinima. Cartoons. Movies. Whatever you'd like to call them.

(For those of you who know what machinima is, please feel free to skip the next few lines...or not, whatever, it's no skin off my nose either way.)

What's machinima? Well, it's basically a video from a video game. I'm sure the definition is a lot more in depth than that, for you nitpickers, but that's the basic gist of it.

Next time you play a video game, get a copy of Fraps, run it, record. Blammo. You just made your first machimima. Congratulations.

Anyways, I catch a lot of stuff from WowInsider. They run semi-regular columns highlighting some of the good stuff that comes around. I found out about The Grind, and The Guild through there(the second isn't so much machinima as it is game-based movies, but still funny as hell).

Gah, stop rambling.

Point that I'm getting at, I came across this video tonight, through a few hops. This is absolutely amazing, and it is startling that people with this kind of talent aren't working in professional movie production houses somewhere.

Watch this movie. Love this movie. Crank it up loud and just bask in its glory.

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