Sorry, rambling again. Like I said, I play WoW. I think I've been on it for going on 3 months now, and I'm just now getting to the fun part. Every time I've ever played this type of game, the fun isn't in getting to the end, the fun is the end itself. Well, it is for me anyways, and I'm paying the monthly fee, so screw what you think.
Thankfully, or unfortunately, as some people think, the endgame in WoW is huge. You can spend months exploring the entire endgame and just barely scratch the surface. 10-man raids, faction grinds, gear upgrades, daily quests, the list goes on and on. This is probably one of the issues I had with EQ, is once you hit the level cap, the only thing left to do was continuous raids to up your gear, which frankly gets boring after a while.
Currently, I'm rolling on a level 70 beastmaster specced hunter. In other words, more pew pew. That little guy up there, is my buddy, Chester. He's been with me since day 1. He reminds me of my cat Chester who passed away a few years ago. Chester was always the king of the house, and I always imagined him being a huge black panther out in the jungle somewhere, terrorizing everything he could get his vicious little paws on. The first night we had him, I was tormenting him while he was in the carrier. The little bugger sliced my finger open when I stuck it in the cage to play with him.
Chester always stuck with me, and was always my best friend, and it really hit me hard when we had to put him to sleep. While I have plenty of photographs around, this way I can remember him in a way that he would purr about.
Ugh, rambling again. Anyways, back to WoW.
Once I hit 70, I hit a huge wall. The amount of things you can do at level 70 is really daunting, and it kinda threw me for a loop what I can do. Each task seemed to be something that would take forever, and taking those first few steps on the path to such a long venture, was something I wasn't ready for yet.
Enter alt toon #1 & #2, a druid and a warlock. At least with this guys, I can also supply my soon to be huge bills incoming from gear repairs and feeding my profession addiction. Yes, I love professions also. I was part of the 2100 club on Everquest, and eventually will be able to add "I capped all WoW professions" onto my video game resume.
Anyways, here's the current list of things that I'm working towards...daunting as it may be.
- Leatherworking to 375 - currently at 348/375
- Karazhan key - DONE
- Justicar Title (Exalted with League of Arathor, Silverwing Sentinels, & Stormpike Guard)
- 1000 PvP kills - 130 kills
- All Heroic Keys
- Exalted with Cenarion Expedition - Honored @ 7874/12000
- Exalted with Honor Hold - Honored @ 1090/12000
- Exalted with Kurenai - Honored @ 4692/12000
- Exalted with Ogri'La - Neutral @ 25/3000
- Exalted with Netherwing
- Exalted with Sporeggar - Friendly @ 2825/6000
- Exalted with The Consortium - Honored @ 3295/12000
- Exalted with Lower City - Friendly @ 5818/6000
- Exalted with Sha'tari Skyguard - Neutral @ 1182/3000
- Exalted with The Aldor - Friendly @ 1785/6000
- Exalted with The Sha'tar - Friendly @ 709/6000
- Exalted with Keepers of Time - Friendly @ 3259/6000
Yeah...that's a lot of faction. Um. This should at least keep me busy for the next 7.328 years. You think?
Keep an eye out for updates. God knows, I'm psychotic enough to eventually do all of this.